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Re: [tlug] Do you whitelist or blacklist utf-8?

On 25 February 2011 08:52, Darren Cook <> wrote:
> As far as I know most of PHP's bad security reputation is due to bad
> practices in frameworks and software built with PHP, and mostly before
> attacks such as XSS has even been invented.

It wasn't just PHP users - there was a lot of brain damage in the
language which encouraged insecure software. PHP4 then kept changing
to fix the said brain damage, which sometimes made the situation even

For example, by default, request input coming into a PHP script used
to be automatically sql-sanitized - corresponding to a function called
addslashes() - in case you wanted to put it into a database SQL
statement. If you wanted to display that data right there in the
browser, or write it to a file, you would then have to run it through
stripslashes() to get rid of the sql escaping. This is obviously the
Wrong Way To Do It - you should use bound parameters instead (which
required a third-party library in PHP, long after it was the standard
way for everyone else to do it), or failing that escape stuff right
before it goes into the database.

When they realized that they shouldn't be doing this, the PHP
developers turned this automatic escaping off by default. But you
still had a bunch of old PHP web applications floating around that
assumed that input would already have been sql-sanitized. So an app
that would have been secure as originally written suddenly became a
massive security hole if set up by someone who didn't understand this
stuff - and one of the main motivations for using someone else's PHP
application was that it could be installed on any cheap web hosting
site, without having to learn all this tricky stuff about sanitizing
input and understanding configuration files.

The serious brain damage was largely fixed not far into PHP4, and PHP5
is mostly non-bonkers. But if you've got code that was originally
written for old PHP4 defaults, it may still contain assumptions that
make it insecure to run on a default-configured PHP5.

Edmund Edgar
Founder, KK Social Minds
Educational Technology for the Web and Virtual Worlds
+81 090 3912 3380
Skype: edmundedgar
Second Life: Edmund Earp
Linked In: edmundedgar
Twitter: @edmundedgar

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