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Re: [tlug] Mutt and putting an image above the signature

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 08:52:13AM -0500, Scott Robbins wrote:

> this by toggling attachment disposition--that is, hit a for attach, and
> after choosing the image, hit ctl+d to make it inline.  However, it
> appears below my signature.  I've been googling for a half hour, using
> terms like mutt mime inline above signature and other variations, but
> haven't gotten anywhere. 
> If anyone on this list knows how to do this, I'd be grateful if they'd
> tell me.  (If it's possible, I'm sure it's in the manual somewhere, but
> I haven't found it.)

Well, I found one workaround, thanks to a post on linuxquestions.  It's
a hack, but as this is for one email a day, it's still less trouble than
opening thunderbird. 

Make the message.  Delete my signature.  Attach the image, ctl+d to put
it inline.  Attach my signature, actually using another sig file, that
has the -- manually inserted above it, as I lose it otherwise.  Again,
hit ctl+d to make that inline.   I now have my email, formatted normally
for the Outlook users at work.

Scott Robbins
PGP keyID EB3467D6
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