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[tlug] -reminder- TOMORROW nomikai June 25 (Friday)

>       TLUG - Tokyo Linux Users Group June "nomikai"
>        ======================================================
>       Date:    June 25 (Friday)
>       Time:    19:30-21:30
>       Place:   Za Watami, Ginza-dobashi-ten

1) Alberto Tomita
2) Pier Fumagalli (will try not to be a flake this time)
3) Timothy Trahan
4) Naruhiko (Naru) Ogasawara
5) +1 (e-mailed me off-line)
6) +1 (e-mailed me off-line)
7) Ralph Sumner
8) Julika Sumner
9) <your name here>

I've added a buffer (i.e. safety margin) for those who're shy or undecided. If you want to come last minute, I'm (99%) sure we'll be able to make room for you to seat.

looking forward to seeing you all, tomorrow evening.

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