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Re: [tlug] JFS file system license

SL Baur writes:

 > I'll put up with the crap from gmail as otherwise I
 > wouldn't be able to deal with email at all at the
 > moment, but I sure it wish it offered the option to
 > give me a 24x80 text window to enter in text/plain
 > the exact text of the mail I wished to send out.

It's not 24x80, but at the right of Gmail's toolbar is a link labeled
"plain text".  If you click on that you get a plain text window into
which you can indeed enter the exact text of the mail you wish sent.
(If it didn't have that I would no longer have a Gmail address.)

Indeed-I-am-feeling-curmudgeonly-today-why-do-you-ask-ly y'rs

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