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Re: [tlug] Postfix and relaying

> > AFAIK, the "transport" map is only used to
> map _recipient_ (not
> > sender) domains to SMTP relays.
> Postfix >= 2.3 has a
> "sender_dependent_relayhost_maps" worth
> investigating:
>    A sender-dependent override for the global relayhost
> parameter
>    setting.  The tables are searched by the envelope sender
> address and
>    @domain. This information is overruled with
> relay_transport,
>    default_transport and with the transport(5) table.

Thank David 
I need to upgrade Centos from 4.6 to 5.2 and then upgrade postfix
My current version of Postfix is 2.2

will try it and get back to you


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