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Re: [tlug] Dmesg error output

David, Josh, Botond,

As suggested, the world cup problem was solved by heading out to a local pub. Bit disappointed with the result of the game, but I suppose I can't solve every problem myself.

As for my tv problem, I tried depmod -a, but it had no result.

What I'm wondering is, with all the output, it seems like there are duplicate entries or something. As if a configuration file has been corrupted by being written to twice:

[17180144.196000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol pci_enable_device
[17180144.196000] ivtv: Unknown symbol pci_enable_device
[17180144.196000] ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol i2c_bit_add_bus
[17180144.196000] ivtv: Unknown symbol i2c_bit_add_bus

How would I go about determining the root cause of all these disagreements? Since my system was working before, I'm assuming, or maybe just hoping, that something has been moved or altered and maybe it can just be put back the way it was.

Dave M G

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