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[tlug] Configuration Files for GJiten

Dear List,

GJiten is a big help in my daily struggle with Japanese. I am using it
on SuSE 9.0 (Notebook) and SuSE 9.1 (Desktop) in KDE. Gnome is not
installed (besides some necessary libraries).

Can someone tell me, where GJiten saves the dictionary configuration?
It is really annoying to configure it by hand for each new user.

It seems, that just copying ~/.gnome2/gjiten from another user account
has no influence onto the dictionary settings. The directory
~/.gconf/apps/gjiten seems to have no effect either.

Each time, I add a new dictionary in the settings dialogue, the time
stamp of the ~/.gnome2/gjiten file changes. Checking its contents it
seems to be responsible only for size and position settings.

One file, ~/.gconf/apps/gjiten/general/%gconf.xml, seems to contain
dictionary information, but copying it from another user account does
not change the existing dictionary settings.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks and Regards
Matthias Seeger

Matthias Seeger
Kamishinden 3-6-12-410, 560-0085 Osaka, Japan

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