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Re: [tlug] dell inspiron & linux +NEC

>>has someone of you positive or negative experiences with dell notebooks
>>and linux ?
>I have used two different inspiron models with linux in the past and did
>not ran into any incompatibility that usually plagues many notebooks.
>Before buying you could: 
> - check driver support for each hardware component (chipset).
> - google
> - put a knoppix CD in and test
First, I'll be doing a search via Google or some other search engine (I 
really don't like using "google" as a verb - it's not the only search 
engine out there after all!), but if anyone has had any experience with 
putting Linux on NEC laptops, any comments would be appreciated.  It's 
an NEC LaVie C LC60H/S.  Regarding this machine, hardware-wise, it's a 
nice design.  I don't know what chip sets they used inside yet though......

Question: The BIOS doesn't offer any settings!!!  I've never had any 
computer from any manufacturer before that had a BIOS that was nothing 
more a list of specs and a message saying that the BIOS has been 
"shadowed".....  Well.... SearchEngine for this too I guess, but I've 
never used an NEC computer before this, so if there's a long-time NEC 
user out there, any tips would be welcome!

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