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Re: [tlug] Re: is there a real possibility that Sco get what it c laims?

>     Shawn> It's wonderfully sensible that Germany doesn't allow the
>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>     Shawn> game to be played out in the press, isn't it.  Wish that
>     Shawn> were the case everywhere.
> I don't get it.
> You're an open-source programmer but you think closed law is
> wonderfully sensible?
You enjoy giving me a bad time don't you.  I like the fact that Germany 
doesn't allow SCO to make whatever unsubstantiated claims they would like 
in the press.

> In
> Germany for instance there is a restraining order, which forbids SCO to 
> make
> statements like linux infringes SCO copyright.

..was the statement I was responding to.  How that make me a proponent of 
closed law is beyond me.

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