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Re: [tlug] dualboot WinXP/Linux

On 6/19/2003, "Michael Klaus Engel" <> wrote:

>I would like to install Linux (in this case SuSE 8.2) on the second HD
>doing dualboot, choosing either WinXP/1stHD or SuSE/2ndHD.
>Is such a setup recommendable ? Anybody done this before ?
>I found some information about dualboot using one HD.

I have done all kinds of dual boot setups with both Mandrake on RedHat with
a variety of computers, using second hard drives, external SCSI drives, and
even external USB drives, and have never had a problem that was related to
the arrangement of the drives themselves.

The only thing that I would point out is that if it is at all useful to
have write access to your Windows drive, you might want to take the time to
convert NTFS to FAT 32. Then you can can administer your whole system from
Linux. I still have to go over to Windows to do a few important things, but
since my Windows is formatted as FAT, I can also edit files from Linux (as
much as I possibly can), do backups, GREPs and so forth. It depends on what
you need to do, I guess.


Charles Muller <>
Toyo Gakuen University

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