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Re: [tlug] format for docs

On Mon, 12 May 2003 09:02:00 +0200
Godwin Stewart <> wrote:

> > Any other "new exciting technologies" you've heard about? I'm looking
> > for something flexible so that the docs can be conveniently maintained
> > and converted to other formats and intuitive enough so that it's easy
> > to learn (it's just for documentation after all ;)
> It's not exactly a "new exciting technology" but there's always HTML/XML
> which can easily be converted to PostScript, and from that into just
> about anything else. It also has the advantage of being
> platform-independent.
Docbook comes very close to what you have described here (there is an XML
I have no experience with texinfo, but using docbook is pretty easy. I
would recommend that, quite a few opensource projects are using it now.

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