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[tlug] CAT5e CAT6 and Gigabit Ethernet

Batara Kesuma writes:
 > Hi,
 > I use Gigabit Ethernet for data backup in my local network. I use CAT 5e
 > for all cablings (Because I have many left over cables). I test to
 > transfer file through FTP and the speed was only about 20 - 40 MByte /
 > sec. I am thinking about buying some CAT 6 cables if there is any speed
 > improvement. How much faster is CAT 6 compared with CAT 5e? Any advice?
 > Thank you.

Is the transfer from your harddisk? What is the average transfer speed
from your disk (bonnie)? 
You should test it with bing.


| Dr. Marcus O.C. Metzler        |                                   |
|            |        |

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