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[tlug] YahooBB Setup/Etc

> Since Windows works fine, why don't you just look into the network settings of Windows, write down the settings and apply these to Linux accordingly?
> Best,
> Thomas

You're right!  I feel really stupid....  Um... although I've been using Linux for writing (with OpenOffice) since I put in RedHat 8.0, the only network
setup I've done was with Mandrake 8.0 back in May of last year at the company I work at.  It automatically probed the company's network settings I
think... this time I'm doing it at home.  Is it the same type of setup as with a company network?  IP addresses, etc.?  What I did notice from poking
around a little with the MS-boxes is that everything seems to be set on "automatic", which no specific numbers that I've been able to find.  If the
settings are completely different from those used in a company network (the only experience I have of setting up LAN connections), where do I look?


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