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Re: [tlug] Postmasters, DON'T let this happen to YOU Joke of the Day

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Breen <> writes:

    Jim> [Jonathan Byrne (Re: [tlug] Postmasters, DON'T let this
    Jim> happen to YOU Joke of the Day) writes:]

    >>> Godwin Stewart ( wrote:

    >>>> [Reporting msg-id] is pointless in the case of the latest
    >>>> W32.Klez thingy. It munges the "From:" header of the e-mail
    >>>> and inserts a randomly chosen name from the

You're missing the point.  I'm a postmaster/listadmin with more or
less sophisticated vermin repellent in place.  I've got several gigs
of archives, and I want to find the critter to see how it got through,
and possibly where it came from.  In the case of this particular
critter, I had slightly different rules in place for a couple of lists
(because binaries are legal there), so it was important to identify
which list it came through, too---and the shit-for-brains Metastasis
programmers don't give a fucking hint.  No headers, no nothing.

Not only that, but I get dozens of these reports from; I'd like to be able to know whether they all
refer to the same one.

I'm just saying "if you're going to fart in my general direction, at
least leave in some of the useful chunks."

    >>> Yes, the latest Klez is pretty crafty. It has quite a few
    >>> variants, does it's little header trick, etc.

According to the guy who reported it, it's somebody somewhere monaing
about trying to support his parents while making $5K/year and hoping
he'll "get noticed" and get hired for big $$$.

Nothing new there.

    Jim> Eventually I showed her that the source IP address was
    Jim> somewhere in Godzone; presumably some hapless soul who had us
    Jim> both in her/his 'doze address book,

diff ~him/jims-mates ~her/people-i-know-with-email

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