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[tlug] meeting topics2

As a separate (but not totally unrelated) issue ...

I'd be grateful if everyone could take a few minutes writing down what you
want to hear about most at meetings.  This is because I _really_ have no
idea what everyone's interests are.

I guess (hope) I'm not the only lazy person on this planet who sometimes
thinks "hmmm ... I know the docs are out there but wish someone would show
me step-by-step how to run my DNS server more securely!"  If you have a
wish list like that, please send it to me.

You can check any of the below (not quite logical, very short) list, or
check "Other" and elaborate.  Please also feel free to add to list.

[ ] How to get the most out of <an application>
[ ] How to build <stuff>
[ ] Graphical environments
[ ] Network services
[ ] Programming
[ ] Multi language support
[ ] Multimedia
[ ] Storage
[ ] Web development
[ ] Security
[ ] Applied Sociology of Linux (just kidding)

[ ] Other (please describe)

Thank you for your time and feedback.

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