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Re: [tlug] Re: orbz test

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 04:12:03PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> [Matt Doughty (Re: [tlug] Re: orbz test) writes:]
>     >>> Still until spammers are hunted down and drawn and quartered
>     >>> to the delight of the cheering masses it is the only real
>     >>> solution.
> Wrong.

A very interesting solution to be sure. I will have to try it out.

> >>>>> "Jim" == Jim Breen <> writes:
>     Jim> Gee, can't we torture them a bit first?  
> But this sounds like fun.

perhaps we can use a combination solution. We can save our self from the
spam using tmda, and then to relieve stress on the weekends we can get
together, drink, hunt spammers, torture them, _and_ draw and quarter 
them.  It is a morally just pursuit, and I believe that spammer hunting 
should be legalized and televised.  

"Take away them collisions and the common channel and it's like Christianity 
 without Christ." -Jim Breen (speaking about "full-duplex" Ethernet)

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