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Re: Linux firewall for a Samba || NT file server

Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:

> - if I allow only NetBIOS access will my file server still work as a file 
> server? (does a file server need more than NetBIOS? I assume Samba would 
> need TCP/IP?)

Yes. Except for Windows 2000 the SMB protocol runs completely over 
NetBIOS and uses the ports udp/137 (NetBIOS name service),
udp/138 (NetBIOS datagram service) and tcp/139 (NetBIOS session service).
Windows 2000 can additionally run SMB over tcp/445 

However you can also do MS-RPC calls over the NetBIOS interface...

> - can a firewall actually restrict anything but NetBIOS?

Should be no Problem I think ?

Tobias							     PGP-Key: 0x9AC7E0BC

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