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Re: A newbie, which is me

Hi Baba-san,

BABA Yoshihiko wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have joined this list since yesterday, and would like to attend the
> nomikai as well.  Please let me know nicely if I wasn't allowed, although
> the website didn't say so. I am sort of excited cos I recognise some of the
> members' names. :)

As much as I would like to, don't have much of a chance to attend these
nomikai's cause I live in the far-away land of Naniwa.

> Just a little about myself. I am 28 years old Japanese and just came back
> from the UK after finished Masters for town planning. I used Solaris for my
> degree and now enjoy Linux. I have used Linux (SuSE) only for one year.
> Enjoying myself teaching GTK+.

Town planning? Are you into GIS and stuff like that.



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