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typo or normal?

Hello all. 

Not being a programmer, I can only suspect that the line marked with
">>>>>" has an error in it, namely the ";" being after the 
"/* FIXME: 1 */" rather than before it. The compiler complained about 
a "*/" mark being off; could this be it? Thanks. 


    panic("aha152x: you can only configure up to two controllers\n");

  setup[setup_count].conf        = str;
  setup[setup_count].io_port     = ints[0] >= 1 ? ints[1] : 0x340;
  setup[setup_count].irq         = ints[0] >= 2 ? ints[2] : 11;
  setup[setup_count].scsiid      = ints[0] >= 3 ? ints[3] : 7;
  setup[setup_count].reconnect   = ints[0] >= 4 ? ints[4] : 1;
  setup[setup_count].parity      = ints[0] >= 5 ? ints[5] : 1;
>>>>>>>>>>>  setup[setup_count].synchronous = ints[0] >= 6 ? ints[6] : 0
/* FIXME: 1 */;
  setup[setup_count].delay       = ints[0] >= 7 ? ints[7] : DELAY_DEFAULT;

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