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Re: German umlauts in japanese RedHat 6.2 don't work

>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Laszlo <> writes:

    Tony> Yudit uses X's fonts to display whatever you want, so it
    Tony> should display Japanese or German out of the box on your
    Tony> Japanese-localized or German-localized system, should that
    Tony> be your choice.

That depends on what X fonts are installed; I don't know about
Mandrake, but Debian has scores of font packages.  Definitely the
large Asian fonts are broken out language by language.

With Yudit, Gerhard can edit, but he still has the problem of
presentation-quality hardcopy.  Do you know of a TeX system that
handles Unicode and isn't alpha-quality?

University of Tsukuba                Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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