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Re: Problems with Japanese email

On Mon, Jul 24, 2000 at 11:17:59AM +0300, Tapio Peltonen wrote:

> First, the /pub/pinej directory at is empty.

It was inadvertantly destroyed during a routine housekeeping operation, and its
disappearance was not noted until it was too late.

> Is pine-jp available anywhere else?

Probably.  Its use, however, is not recommended.

You'd probably be happier with a Japanized version of mutt.  The mutt
source, and the patch, can be found at:

(yes, the version of mutt is rather old.  Someday, when I have more bandwidth,
I'll forward-port the patch to a less ancient version of mutt)

> As configuring mutt for my system seems a real PITA and I haven't gotten
> it to work as I need it to

??? Mutt relies on external FEP, such as kinput2.  Don't dismiss mutt on
those grounds.

Further, jvim is icky.  Current versions of vim work just fine when used
in conjunction with kinput2.

> I need a web browser with support for Japanese input. Any suggestions?


-- Chris

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