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Re: tlug: Domain Name Registration (*.jp)

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Shawn Gray wrote:

> I am interested in registering a domain name for a web-board for a personal hobby.
> Looking at, it seems that in order to register any kind of domain name in Japan, you have to be a legally registered entity. Except perhaps in the case of, in which you still need the Inkan Shomeisho of TWO people. That seems a little, well.... stupid.
> Am I reading it wrong, or are the regulations for .jp domain names really that tight? How to private individuals get domain names for their own personal use?
> Anyone out there with experience here?

does it have to be a .jp?  I think you can register it as a .com or
whatever through any of the standard registrants in the USA as long as you
provide a valid IP and DNS server...can't you?

Scott M. Stone, CCNA <>
UNIX Systems and Network Engineer
Taos - The SysAdmin Company 

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